How to standout in your video/virtual job interview

Video interviews remain here to stay. While they may never fully replace in-person interviews, the continual rise in remote hiring, the time and cost-savings and tech advancements means that they are still as important as ever. Presenting for a video interview requires careful consideration of various factors to make a positive impression. What may be obvious to you, is not always to others.

And I’ve seen it be the difference between candidates getting selected for a job over another.

Here are some simple tips to help you prepare:

  • Dress appropriately: Treat a video interview as you would an in-person interview and dress in professional attire. Opt for business formal or business casual attire, depending on the company culture and position you’re applying for. Opt for solid, neutral colors that work well on video (black, gray, navy, or white are generally considered safe choices). We’ve also had candidates note that dressing head to toe has its advantages. Even though the interviewer may only see the upper half, it gave them a better sense of confidence during the interview.
  • Create a suitable environment: Find a quiet and well-lit area for your interview. Good lighting is crucial for a clear and presentable appearance. Natural light is best, so sit facing a window if possible. Avoid having a strong light source behind you as it can create shadows. Ensure the background is clean, uncluttered, and professional-looking. Remove any distractions that could divert attention away from you.
  • Test your tech (and outfit): Before the interview, check your video and audio equipment. I can’t stress this enough. Download the appropriate technology ahead of time (and have a backup option on hand). Ensure your internet connection is stable, your webcam works properly, and your microphone provides clear sound. Use a headset or earphones with a microphone if you are worried about background noise.
  • Body language: Maintain good posture and sit upright. Make sure you’re visible and not too far away from the camera. Position your camera at eye level or slightly higher. Smile, maintain eye contact, and engage with the interviewer. Use hand gestures moderately and purposefully to emphasize your points. Pay attention to your tone, clarity, and confidence.
  • Minimize distractions: Inform those around you that you’ll be in an interview to minimize interruptions. Silence your phone, close unnecessary applications on your computer, and disable notifications to maintain focus.
  • Prepare your materials: Have a copy of your resume, cover letter, and any other relevant documents nearby for reference (notes on the company, job descriptions, key profiles you are meeting with). Keep a notepad and pen ready to jot down important points or questions but don’t bury your nose in it for the entire conversation. Keep up that eye contact.

Good luck!

Liam Vance specializes in recruiting digital marketing, creative, analytics and product talent for brands and agencies across Greater Boston and the broader Northeast. You can find Liam on LinkedIn here or email him directly at